What happens if there’s an error in the foreign priority application number?

What happens if there’s an error in the foreign priority application number?

If there’s an error in the foreign priority application number, it can lead to serious consequences for the priority claim. The MPEP emphasizes the importance of accuracy:

“Errors in foreign priority claims may jeopardize the applicant’s priority claim.” (MPEP 214.04)

Consequences of errors may include:

  • Rejection of the priority claim
  • Loss of priority date
  • Potential issues with patentability if prior art emerges in the intervening period

If an error is discovered, it’s crucial to promptly file a corrected Application Data Sheet (ADS) or a petition to correct the priority claim, depending on the timing and nature of the error. Always double-check the application number against the original foreign priority document to ensure accuracy.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: ADS, error correction, foreign priority