How is the value of my IP determined for a loan?

Patent valuation is a difficult subject because there are many different people using many different techniques to come up with a ‘value.’ In general, the only meaningful metric of patent value is revenue. Either you are selling a patented product, or an infringer is selling an infringing product. The value of the patent is determined…

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What types of IP can be used for IP-backed loans?

We typically consider patents as the primary asset in an IP-backed loan, although we also consider trade secrets and company data as valuable assets to loan against. A software company’s code base may also be collateralized, but typically as a secondary asset. Trademarks occasionally can be considered, but they are on a case-by-case basis. A…

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What is included in a patent loan?

A patent loan will come with several other components, including insurance for patent enforcement and patent defense. Because a patent loan is specifically designed to help you expand your business, we want you to focus on generating revenue, not litigation. Therefore, we give you at least $2,000,000 in patent enforcement insurance and patent defense insurance.…

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What are the requirements for a patent loan?

The patent loan program requires several items about your patents and your business plan.  This is not a complete list. 100% ownership of your patents. Your patents must be completely unencumbered and must be owned by the operating company.  Some investors will attach liens to intellectual property, which is a non-starter.  In many cases, the…

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How does the patent loan program work?

We provide an insurance policy that will guarantee a lender (typically a bank) using the patents as collateral. The Collateral Protection Insurance product is similar to mortgage insurance, where the bank has protection if there is a default on the loan. The CPI product requires investment-grade patents and a solid business plan.  The patents must…

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