How is the value of my IP determined for a loan?

Patent valuation is a difficult subject because there are many different people using many different techniques to come up with a ‘value.’ In general, the only meaningful metric of patent value is revenue. Either you are selling a patented product, or an infringer is selling an infringing product. The value of the patent is determined…

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What types of IP can be used for IP-backed loans?

We typically consider patents as the primary asset in an IP-backed loan, although we also consider trade secrets and company data as valuable assets to loan against. A software company’s code base may also be collateralized, but typically as a secondary asset. Trademarks occasionally can be considered, but they are on a case-by-case basis. A…

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Can I raise money when I finance my patents?

Yes! Our due diligence reports are highly respected by investors. Our patent financing due diligence process not only evaluates patentability, but also enforceability, the economic advantage of the invention, its value to the startup’s market, as well as its value to competitors. Solid business value is REQUIRED before BlueIron can finance the invention, and BlueIron’s…

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Is it better to own my patents rather than lease them?

Financially, a startup’s cost of capital is extremely high – especially at the beginning – so every dollar needs to be spent wisely.  Leasing or renting assets is much more capital efficient. Most startup companies lease office space and even lease furniture through a coworking space.  They lease computer services through Amazon Web Services and…

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What is the legal structure of patent financing?

The legal structure is a convertible note, lease-back structure. The IP assets are held in a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV), which is how virtually all of the Fortune 500 companies hold their IP. The SPV grants an exclusive license to the startup with a buyout option. The startup can exercise the buyout option at any…

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