Posts Tagged ‘Patent Attorney’

The “Walking Malpractice Suit”

The Attorney/Client Relationship for Patent Attorneys has Some Weird Nuance. The fiduciary responsibility (and the fear of being sued for malpractice) is why attorneys explain everything in dreadful detail.  It is not just that they bill by the hour.  The attorneys are trying to lay all the options out on the table and make sure…

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I’m A Recovering Patent Attorney

What is Really Wrong with the Patent System I am a “recovering patent attorney.”  I became a patent attorney after years as an engineer.  I went to a patent attorney and I expected my patent attorney to help me, but I was sorely disappointed.  I was so disappointed that I took the Patent Bar Exam,…

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Inhouse vs Outside Patent Counsel

There are Two Types of Lawyers There are two types of patent lawyers: outside counsel and inhouse counsel.  Each type of lawyer plays a completely different role, and the two types are at a constant battle with each other.  It is not to say that there is a war, but there are diametrically opposed interests…

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How Big Law Hurts Startups

Many inventors and entrepreneurs like to tout their relationship with a Big Law Firm.  It is too bad they do not know how the sausage gets made.  Touting that Big Law wrote your patents is not a badge of quality I review countless patents for startup companies and talk to lots of entrepreneurs. One of…

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Why Startup Patents Are Doomed From The Start

Patents for small companies are fundamentally different from patents for large companies.  The decisions made – and skills needed – to develop the two are very different. There are several problems facing a startup company when getting patents.  The biggest problem: the skillset needed for a startup’s patents is not practiced in the conventional law…

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BlueIron is Changing the Legal Industry

BlueIron was formed in response to a weakness in the way patents are prepared.  My personal experience was that I needed a patent attorney’s advice and experience – and I paid for it – but he had continually refused to give it to me. It wasn’t until after I took the patent bar and began…

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