What is the process for correcting errors in recorded assignment documents?

What is the process for correcting errors in recorded assignment documents?

The process for correcting errors in recorded assignment documents involves the following steps:

  • For minor errors: You can file a corrective document stating the nature of the error, along with the required fee.
  • For more significant errors: You may need to file a new assignment document with the correct information.
  • In all cases: Include a cover sheet stating that the document is being submitted to correct an error in a previously recorded assignment document.

According to MPEP 302: Errors in a recorded assignment document will be corrected by the Assignment Division provided a ‘corrective document’ is submitted. The USPTO recommends contacting the Assignment Recordation Branch for specific guidance on your situation.

For more information on assignment correction, visit: assignment correction.

For more information on patent documents, visit: patent documents.

For more information on USPTO procedures, visit: USPTO procedures.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: assignment correction, patent documents, USPTO procedures