What constitutes a bona fide attempt to respond to a patent office action?

What constitutes a bona fide attempt to respond to a patent office action?

A bona fide attempt to respond to a patent office action is a genuine effort to address the issues raised by the examiner. According to MPEP 711.02(a):

“Where there has been a bona fide attempt to advance the application and to respond to the examiner’s objections and rejections, and the record shows continuing efforts to complete the reply within a reasonable time, the examiner should not regard the reply as incomplete.”

This means that even if your response doesn’t fully resolve all issues, if you’ve made a sincere effort to address the examiner’s concerns and are working diligently to complete the reply, it may be considered sufficient to prevent abandonment. However, it’s always best to strive for a complete and thorough response to all objections and rejections.

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Tags: office action response, patent examination