What are the requirements for facsimile submission of assignment documents to the USPTO?

What are the requirements for facsimile submission of assignment documents to the USPTO?

The USPTO has specific requirements for facsimile submission of assignment documents:

  • The facsimile must be legible and complete.
  • The document should be submitted to the Assignment Recordation Branch at the designated fax number.
  • A cover sheet must accompany the submission, stating the total number of pages, including the cover sheet.
  • The original document is not required unless specifically requested by the Office.

As stated in MPEP 302.09: “The date of receipt accorded to an assignment document sent to the Office by facsimile transmission is the date the complete transmission is received in the Office.”

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: assignment documents, facsimile, USPTO