Is the patent loan program available to pre-revenue companies?


We prefer to provide loans to revenue generating companies, but we will consider pre-revenue companies in some cases.


For pre-revenue companies, our patent financing option will build out your portfolio quickly so that it will be ready once your company starts generating revenue.


The loan program is a loan, after all, and we will evaluate your company to see if we believe that you will be able to repay the loan. Taking out a loan is much different than selling equity, and our focus is on real revenue generation.


Pre-revenue companies need to show that they are very close to revenue. In general, we want to see that the company is addressing a real need in the market, that there is economic value in the product or service being sold, and that the cost of goods leaves a solid profit margin. We also want to see that the cost to acquire a customer is known and that there is a delivery pipeline to satisfy that customer.


In short, we want to see that there is a legitimate business opportunity in your company.


Please note that we want to have real data to support the assumptions, such as experiments in customer acquisition methods, quantified analyses of the costs to build the product or supply the services, procedures for after-sale support, or whatever is appropriate for your business. We are looking to loan money to those companies who can really put the money to use, and we are less likely to provide funding for the experimental or developmental phases of building your company.

Topics: Patent Loans