When should material information be disclosed in patent term extension proceedings?

Material information should be disclosed promptly in patent term extension proceedings. The MPEP 2762 provides clear guidance on the timing:

“All such individuals who are aware, or become aware, of material information adverse to a determination of entitlement to the extension sought, which has not been previously made of record in the patent term extension proceeding, must bring such information to the attention of the Office or the Secretary, as appropriate, as soon as it is practicable to do so after the individual becomes aware of the information.”

This means that as soon as an individual becomes aware of material information that could adversely affect the patent term extension, they should disclose it to the appropriate authority without undue delay.

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Topics: Adjustments, And Extensions, MPEP 2700 - Patent Terms, MPEP 2762 - Duty Of Disclosure In Patent Term Extension Proceedings, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: duty of disclosure, material information, patent term extension, USPTO