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All relevant information from MPEP 704.12(a) has been covered in previous FAQs. No additional meaningful questions can be generated without duplicating content. To learn more: MPEP Patent Examination Information Requirement Duty of Disclosure

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How does MPEP 704.10 relate to the duty of disclosure?

How does MPEP 704.10 relate to the duty of disclosure? MPEP 704.10 and the duty of disclosure are closely related but distinct concepts in patent law. While the duty of disclosure, as outlined in MPEP 2001, requires applicants to disclose known material information, MPEP 704.10 gives examiners the authority to request specific information. The MPEP…

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How does MPEP 704.10 relate to the duty of disclosure?

MPEP 704.10 is closely related to the duty of disclosure as outlined in 37 CFR 1.56. While the duty of disclosure requires applicants to disclose known material information, MPEP 704.10 gives examiners the authority to request specific information that may not have been initially disclosed. The MPEP states: ‘The examiner may require the submission, from…

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Can an applicant’s response to a Requirement for Information satisfy the Duty of Disclosure?

Yes, an applicant’s response to a Requirement for Information can potentially satisfy their Duty of Disclosure. According to MPEP 704.12(a): When responding to a requirement for information, an applicant must reply to each enumerated item in the requirement and must completely reply to each item. The applicant’s reply might satisfy the duty of disclosure with…

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