When should an Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) be filed in a patent application?
An Information Disclosure Statement (IDS) should be filed at different stages of patent application processing, depending on the circumstances:
- Within three months of the filing date or before the first Office action on the merits, whichever is later
- Before the mailing of a final Office action, Notice of Allowance, or an Ex parte Quayle action
- After the above periods but before payment of the issue fee
- After payment of the issue fee (with limitations)
The specific requirements and fees for filing an IDS vary depending on when it is submitted. As stated in MPEP 609.04(b): The procedures and requirements under 37 CFR 1.97 for submitting an information disclosure statement are linked to four stages in the processing of a patent application.
To learn more:
Patent Law,
Patent Procedure