When does an application’s status as ‘allowed’ begin and end?

The status of an application as ‘allowed’ has a specific timeframe. According to the MPEP:

“Its status as an ‘allowed’ application continues from the date of the notice of allowance until it issues as a patent, unless it is withdrawn from issue ( 37 CFR 1.313 ), or becomes abandoned for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee ( 37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316 ).”

In other words, the ‘allowed’ status begins when the notice of allowance is sent and typically ends when the patent is issued. However, this status can be terminated if the application is withdrawn from issue or becomes abandoned due to non-payment of required fees.

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Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: application abandonment, notice of allowance, patent issuance