What should I do if I need information related to a reserved MPEP section?

If you need information related to a topic that corresponds to a reserved MPEP section, such as MPEP 404, follow these steps:

  1. Check other relevant sections of the MPEP that may cover related topics
  2. Consult the USPTO’s official website for guidance documents and notices
  3. Review recent patent laws and regulations that may address the topic
  4. Contact the USPTO’s Patent Electronic Business Center for assistance
  5. Consult with a registered patent attorney or agent for professional advice

Remember that reserved sections do not contain any official information, so it’s crucial to seek guidance from active, authoritative sources.

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, MPEP 404 - [Reserved], Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: MPEP 110, Patent Information, Reserved sections, USPTO Resources