What is the ‘species-genus’ relationship in patent claims according to MPEP 715.02?

MPEP 715.02 discusses the ‘species-genus’ relationship in patent claims, particularly in the context of prior art rejections. The section explains:

“If the claims are directed to a species, and the reference discloses a genus embracing the claimed species, the reference is not necessarily anticipatory. The genus may be so large that the species are not ‘described’ by the reference.”

This means that when a prior art reference discloses a broad genus that includes the claimed species, it doesn’t automatically anticipate the species claim. The MPEP 715.02 suggests that examiners should consider whether the genus is so large that it doesn’t effectively describe the specific species claimed. This relationship is crucial in determining the novelty and non-obviousness of species claims in light of broader prior art disclosures.

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