What is the significance of the examiner’s annotation ‘Interview record OK’ on interview documents?

The annotation ‘Interview record OK’ by an examiner on interview documents is a significant indication in the patent examination process. According to MPEP 713.04:

If the record is complete and accurate, the examiner should electronically annotate the record with the indication ‘Interview record OK’ on the paper recording the substance of the interview.

This annotation signifies that:

  • The examiner has reviewed the applicant’s record of the interview substance.
  • The examiner finds the record to be complete and accurate.
  • No further action is required regarding the documentation of the interview.

The importance of this annotation lies in its confirmation that the interview has been properly documented and that both the applicant and the examiner agree on the substance of the discussion. This helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures that the interview’s content can be accurately considered in the examination process.

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Tags: examiner annotation, interview documentation, interview record OK, MPEP 713.04