What is the significance of 37 CFR 1.33 in patent applications?

37 CFR 1.33 is a crucial regulation in patent applications that governs correspondence and signature requirements. The MPEP specifically mentions this rule:

Attention should be called to 37 CFR 1.33 in patent applications.

This regulation is significant because it:

  • Specifies who can sign amendments and other papers in patent applications
  • Outlines the requirements for correspondence in patent applications
  • Defines the roles of the applicant, assignee, and patent practitioner in patent communications

For juristic entities, 37 CFR 1.33(b)(3) is particularly important as it requires that amendments and other papers must be signed by a patent practitioner. This ensures that juristic entities are properly represented in patent proceedings.

For the full text and more details on 37 CFR 1.33, visit the USPTO’s CFR section.

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Tags: patent application