What is the proper way to cite social media content in patent examination?

Citing social media content in patent examination requires specific information to ensure the content can be accurately identified and retrieved. The MPEP provides guidelines for citing various types of electronic documents, including social media. For social media citations, include:

  • The platform name (e.g., Twitter, YouTube)
  • The content title or description
  • The date of posting or uploading
  • The author or user who posted the content
  • The URL where the content can be found
  • For video content, include screen captures if possible

The MPEP provides specific examples for social media citations:

“Example 17: (Twitter) Twitter post entitled ‘There’s more than one way to enjoy waffles.’ 1 page, posted Aug. 24, 2017 by user ‘@uspto’. Retrieved from Internet: .”

“Example 18: (YouTube) Screen captures from YouTube video clip entitled ‘Widget Video Demonstration,’ 6 pages, uploaded on March 17, 2014 by user ‘jdoe1’. Retrieved from Internet: .”

For more information on citing electronic documents, including social media, refer to MPEP § 707.05(e), section IV. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS.

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