What is the process for handling confidential materials in reexamination proceedings?

In reexamination proceedings open to the public under 37 CFR 1.11(d), confidential materials submitted under MPEP § 724.02 are handled as follows:

  • Materials are sealed from public view and kept separate from the main reexamination file
  • A petition to expunge should accompany the submission or be filed shortly after
  • The examiner determines the materiality of the information to patentability
  • If found not material, the petition to expunge is granted
  • If found material, the petition is denied, and the information becomes public

The MPEP states: ‘Any materials, i.e., information, properly submitted under MPEP § 724.02 in a reexamination proceeding will be sealed from public view. The submitted information will be maintained separate from the reexamination file and will not be publicly available until a determination has been made as to whether or not the information is material to patentability.’

It’s crucial to note: ‘If the petition to expunge is not filed in time to be addressed before the reexamination proceeding enters the reexamination certificate printing process, or the petition is filed, and denied/dismissed, then the materials submitted under MPEP § 724.02 will be released to the public with any other papers in the reexamination file.’

This process aims to protect confidential information while maintaining the public nature of reexamination proceedings.

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Tags: confidential information, expungement, public disclosure, reexamination proceedings