What is the process for correcting errors in faxed assignment documents at the USPTO?

What is the process for correcting errors in faxed assignment documents at the USPTO?

If errors are discovered in faxed assignment documents after submission to the USPTO, the process for correction depends on the nature of the error. Here’s a general guideline:

  1. Minor Typographical Errors: These can often be corrected by submitting a request for correction along with supporting documentation.
  2. Substantive Errors: For more significant errors, a new corrected assignment document may need to be submitted and recorded.
  3. Errors in Recordation: If the error is in the USPTO’s recordation rather than the document itself, contact the Assignment Recordation Branch for assistance.

As per MPEP 302.09: “If there is an error in a cover sheet recorded with an assignment document, a corrected cover sheet may be submitted for recordation.” This indicates that for cover sheet errors, a simple correction submission is possible.

It’s important to act promptly when errors are discovered to ensure the accuracy of the assignment records. For specific guidance on your situation, it’s advisable to contact the USPTO’s Assignment Recordation Branch directly.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: cover sheet, error correction, USPTO