What is the difference between statutory and shortened statutory periods for reply?

What is the difference between statutory and shortened statutory periods for reply?

The statutory and shortened statutory periods for reply are two different timeframes set for responding to Office actions in patent applications. According to MPEP 710:

“The maximum statutory period for reply to an Office action is 6 months. 35 U.S.C. 133. Shortened periods are currently used in most cases.”

Here are the key differences:

  • Statutory Period: This is the maximum time allowed by law for responding to an Office action, which is six months.
  • Shortened Statutory Period: This is a shorter period set by the examiner, typically between 1 to 3 months, to encourage faster prosecution of applications.

The shortened period can be extended up to the full six-month statutory period by filing an extension of time request and paying the appropriate fees. This system allows for flexibility while encouraging timely responses to keep the patent examination process moving efficiently.

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Tags: office action response, statutory period