What is the difference between claim breadth and indefiniteness?

It’s important to distinguish between claim breadth and indefiniteness in patent examination. The MPEP clarifies this distinction:

“Examiners, however, are cautioned against confusing claim breadth with claim indefiniteness. A broad claim is not indefinite merely because it encompasses a wide scope of subject matter provided the scope is clearly defined.”

Key points to understand:

  • A broad claim can be definite if its scope is clearly defined
  • Indefiniteness occurs when the boundaries of the protected subject matter are not clearly delineated
  • A genus claim covering multiple species is not indefinite solely because of its breadth
  • Indefiniteness arises when it’s unclear which species are included in a genus claim

Examiners should focus on whether the claim boundaries are clear, not on the breadth of the subject matter covered by the claim.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2100 - Patentability, MPEP 2173.02 - Determining Whether Claim Language Is Definite, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: 35 Usc 112(B), Claim Breadth, Claim Scope, indefiniteness, patent claims