What information will be included with returned assignment documents?

When the USPTO’s Assignment Division returns assignment documents or cover sheets, they include specific information to help you understand the status and next steps. According to MPEP 317.02:

“Assignment documents and cover sheets, or copies of the same, which are returned by Assignment Division will be stamped with the original date of receipt by the Office and will be accompanied by a letter which will indicate that if the returned papers are corrected and resubmitted to the Office within the time specified in the letter, the Office will consider the original date of receipt of the papers as the date of recording of the document.”

In summary, you will receive:

  • The original documents or copies, stamped with the original receipt date
  • An accompanying letter specifying:
    • The reason for the return
    • Instructions for correction
    • The deadline for resubmission
    • Information about maintaining the original receipt date as the recording date

It’s crucial to carefully review this information and act promptly to meet the specified deadline for resubmission.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: document correction, USPTO procedures