What information about patent claims is provided in the Official Gazette notice for reexamination certificates?

The Official Gazette notice for reexamination certificates provides important information about patent claims. As stated in MPEP 2291: “The Official Gazette notice will include… an indication of the status of each claim after the conclusion of the reexamination proceeding. Additionally, a representative claim will be published…”

This means that readers can find:

  • The status of every claim following the reexamination
  • A representative claim published as an example

This information helps patent professionals and interested parties quickly understand the outcome of the reexamination process for each claim in the patent.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2200 - Citation Of Prior Art And Ex Parte Reexamination Of Patents, MPEP 2291 - Notice Of Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate Issuance In Official Gazette, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: claim status, Official Gazette, patent claims, reexamination certificate, Representative Claim