What happens if there’s a postal service interruption or emergency affecting patent filings?

In the event of a postal interruption or emergency, the USPTO will take the following actions:

  • Place an announcement on the USPTO website at www.uspto.gov
  • Publish a notice in the Official Gazette

These communications will provide instructions about filing patent applications and other patent-related papers. As stated in MPEP 511:

“In the event of a postal interruption or emergency, an announcement will be placed on the USPTO website at www.uspto.gov and a notice will be published in the Official Gazette, providing instructions about the filing of patent applications, and other papers related to patent applications and patents.”

This ensures that applicants have clear guidance on how to proceed during such circumstances.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, MPEP 511 - Postal Service Interruptions and Emergencies, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent filing