What fees are required to maintain an allowed application’s status?

To maintain an allowed application’s status and proceed to patent issuance, certain fees must be paid. The MPEP mentions two specific fees:

  1. Issue fee: This is the fee required for the USPTO to issue the patent.
  2. Publication fee: If applicable, this fee covers the cost of publishing the patent application.

The MPEP states that an application becomes abandoned “for failure to pay the issue fee and any required publication fee ( 37 CFR 1.314 and 1.316 ).” Therefore, timely payment of these fees is crucial to maintain the allowed status and proceed to patent issuance.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: allowed application, application abandonment, issue fee, patent issuance, publication fee