What are the requirements for submitting photographs as drawings in a patent application?

What are the requirements for submitting photographs as drawings in a patent application?

Photographs are generally not permitted as drawings in patent applications unless they are the only practicable medium for illustrating the claimed invention. According to MPEP 608.02, “The Office will accept photographs in utility and design patent applications, however, if photographs are the only practicable medium for illustrating the claimed invention.” The MPEP further states:

“The photographs must be of sufficient quality so that all details in the photographs are reproducible in the printed patent.”

To submit photographs as drawings:

  • Ensure they are the only practicable medium for illustrating the invention
  • Provide high-quality photographs that clearly show all details
  • Submit them on paper that complies with drawing sheet requirements
  • Include any necessary mounting on bristol board or equivalent

It’s important to note that color photographs are not ordinarily permitted in utility patent applications.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: design patent, patent drawings