What are the legal precedents relevant to the utility requirement in patent law?

The utility requirement in patent law is supported by various legal precedents. MPEP 716.08 directs readers to relevant sections for an overview of these precedents:

“See MPEP § 2107 – § 2107.03 generally for utility examination guidelines and an overview of legal precedent relevant to the utility requirement of 35 U.S.C. 101.”

These sections of the MPEP provide a comprehensive review of court decisions that have shaped the interpretation and application of the utility requirement. Key cases often address issues such as the credibility of asserted utility, the specificity required in utility claims, and the substantial nature of the claimed utility. Understanding these precedents is crucial for patent practitioners and examiners in assessing and establishing utility in patent applications.

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Tags: 35 USC 101, legal precedents, MPEP 716.08, patent law, utility requirement