What are ‘status inquiries’ in the context of patent applications?

What are ‘status inquiries’ in the context of patent applications?

‘Status inquiries’ refer to requests for information about the current state of a pending patent application. The MPEP 708 provides guidance on how these inquiries are handled:

“Replies to status inquiries shall be made promptly, usually within two weeks from receipt of the inquiry.”

Key points about status inquiries:

  • They allow applicants to check on the progress of their application
  • The USPTO aims to respond quickly, typically within two weeks
  • Responses may include information on the application’s current stage in the examination process
  • Status inquiries do not generally expedite the examination process

While status inquiries provide valuable information to applicants, it’s important to note that they are separate from requests for expedited examination or ‘special’ status.

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Tags: patent application status