How should examiners handle after-final amendments or evidence in relation to an Examiner’s Answer?

When handling after-final amendments or evidence in relation to an Examiner’s Answer, examiners should:

  • Ensure each after-final amendment or evidence is indicated as entered or not-entered
  • Issue an advisory action for each after-final amendment or evidence
  • Not comment on affidavits, declarations, or exhibits that were refused entry

The MPEP states: “Before preparing the answer, the examiner should make certain that each after-final amendment or evidence has been indicated as being entered or not-entered and an advisory action has been entered for each after-final amendment or evidence to notify the appellant of the entry or non-entry.

It’s important to note that the Board may remand applications where after-final amendments or evidence haven’t been properly addressed.

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Tags: Advisory Action, after-final amendments, evidence, examiner's answer, patent appeal