How should an applicant respond to a requirement for information?

How should an applicant respond to a requirement for information?

When responding to a requirement for information, applicants should follow these guidelines based on MPEP 704.14:

  1. Be timely: Respond within the set time limit, typically one month or 30 days.
  2. Be complete: Address all points raised in the requirement.
  3. Be accurate: Provide truthful and precise information.
  4. Cite sources: If relying on published information, provide proper citations.
  5. Explain inability to comply: If unable to provide certain information, explain why.

Quote: “Information is required to be submitted if it is known or readily available to the applicant.”

If the information is not known or readily available, the applicant should state this fact and provide any partial information that is available. It’s important to demonstrate a good faith effort to comply with the requirement to maintain the application in good standing.

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Tags: 37 CFR 1.105, patent examination, requirement for information