How should a joint research agreement be recorded with the USPTO?

To record a joint research agreement with the USPTO, follow these steps based on 37 CFR 3.11(c) and 37 CFR 3.31(g):

  1. Prepare either a copy of the joint research agreement or an excerpt of it.
  2. Complete a cover sheet that includes:
    • Identification of the document as a “joint research agreement” in the space for describing the interest conveyed
    • The name of the owner of the application or patent
    • The name of each other party to the joint research agreement
    • The date the joint research agreement was executed
  3. Submit the document and cover sheet to the USPTO for recordation.

As stated in MPEP 302.07: “If the document submitted for recordation is a joint research agreement or an excerpt of a joint research agreement, the cover sheet must clearly identify the document as a ‘joint research agreement’ (in the space provided for the description of the interest conveyed if using Form PTO-1595).”

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: joint research agreement, patent recordation, USPTO secrecy