How does the USPTO handle status inquiries for unpublished applications?

How does the USPTO handle status inquiries for unpublished applications?

The USPTO has specific procedures for handling status inquiries for unpublished applications:

  • Status information is only provided to applicants, their attorneys or agents, or assignees of record.
  • Third parties cannot receive status information about unpublished applications.
  • The USPTO may confirm the filing date, application number, and whether the application is pending, abandoned, or patented.

As stated in MPEP 203.08, ‘For unpublished applications, the Office will not give status information to the public without the authorization of the applicant, attorney or agent of record or the assignee of record.’

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: unpublished applications, USPTO procedures