How does changing the correspondence address in a patent application affect a practitioner’s address of record?

Changing the correspondence address in a patent application does not automatically change a patent practitioner’s address of record with the USPTO. These are two separate matters:

  • The correspondence address is specific to an application or patent
  • The practitioner’s address of record is maintained in the USPTO’s roster of registered practitioners

MPEP 601.03(a) cites 37 CFR 1.33(e), which states: A change of address filed in a patent application or patent does not change the address for a patent practitioner in the roster of patent attorneys and agents.

This means that even if you change the correspondence address for a specific application, you must separately update your address with the Office of Enrollment and Discipline if you want to change your official address of record as a registered practitioner.

Practitioners have an obligation to keep their address current with the USPTO. As noted in MPEP 601.03: Note that the obligation (see 37 CFR 11.11) of a registered attorney or agent to notify the Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline of any change of his or her address is separate from the obligation to file a notice of change of address in individual applications.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure