How did the ADS format differ for applications filed before September 16, 2012 compared to later applications?

How did the ADS format differ for applications filed before September 16, 2012 compared to later applications?

The Application Data Sheet (ADS) format for applications filed before September 16, 2012 (pre-AIA) differed from the format used in later applications. According to MPEP 601.05(b):

For applications filed before September 16, 2012, the Office continued to use the ADS form PTO/SB/14 that was available prior to September 16, 2012.

Key differences in the pre-September 16, 2012 ADS format include:

  • Form number: The pre-AIA ADS used form PTO/SB/14, while post-AIA applications use form PTO/AIA/14.
  • Inventor information: The pre-AIA ADS didn’t require as detailed inventor information as the post-AIA version.
  • Domestic benefit/Foreign priority: The format for claiming these was simpler in the pre-AIA ADS.
  • Assignee information: The pre-AIA ADS had a different section for providing assignee information.
  • Signature requirements: The pre-AIA ADS had different signature requirements compared to the post-AIA version.

It’s important to use the correct ADS form based on your application’s filing date to ensure compliance with USPTO requirements and proper processing of your application.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: application data sheet, pre-AIA