How are interviews conducted in cases involving Patentability Reports?

When interviews are held for applications involving Patentability Reports, special considerations apply. According to MPEP 705.01(f):

“In situations where an interview is held on an application in which a Patentability Report has been adopted, the reporting Technology Center may be called on for assistance at the interview when it concerns claims treated by them.”

Key points about interviews in Patentability Report cases:

  • The reporting Technology Center (TC) may be asked to assist with the interview
  • Assistance is typically requested for claims specifically treated by the reporting TC
  • General interview guidelines in MPEP § 713 to § 713.10 still apply
  • This approach ensures that specialized expertise is available during the interview

This procedure allows for a comprehensive discussion of all claims, including those examined through the Patentability Report process.

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Tags: patent examination, patentability report, technology center