What are ‘extraordinary circumstances’ for using Patentability Reports?

The Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) § 705 emphasizes that Patentability Reports should only be used in extraordinary circumstances. While the MPEP doesn’t provide an exhaustive list of what constitutes ‘extraordinary circumstances,’ we can infer from the context that these may include: Applications with claims spanning multiple, distinctly different technology areas Cases where the…

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What happens if examiners disagree on a Patentability Report?

When examiners disagree on a Patentability Report, MPEP 705.01(a) outlines the following process: The primary examiners may consult with each other to resolve the disagreement. If agreement cannot be reached, the primary examiner with jurisdiction over the application can choose not to rely on the Patentability Report. In such cases, the examiner may ‘make his…

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How are search fields determined for patentability reports?

The determination of search fields for patentability reports is a crucial step in the examination process. According to MPEP 705, ‘the primary examiner must indicate in the application file any field of search that should be covered by the report’. This process typically involves: The primary examiner identifying relevant technical areas Consideration of the invention’s…

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How are disagreements on classification handled in Patentability Reports?

When there’s a disagreement on classification in relation to a Patentability Report, the MPEP provides a clear process: ‘Conflict of opinion as to classification may be referred to a classification dispute TC representative panel for decision.’ This means that if examiners from different Technology Centers disagree on how to classify an application, they can seek…

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Who prepares patentability reports?

Patentability reports are typically prepared by examiners with specialized knowledge in different technical fields. The MPEP 705 states: “Patentability reports are prepared by examiners in the Technology Center (TC) to which the application is assigned and by examiners in one or more other TCs.” This collaborative approach ensures that all aspects of complex or multi-invention…

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Who initiates a patentability report during patent examination?

A patentability report is typically initiated by the primary examiner assigned to the application. According to MPEP 705, ‘the primary examiner indicates the classifications where patentability reports are desired and suggests the best fitted examiners’. This decision is based on the primary examiner’s assessment of the application’s complexity and the need for specialized knowledge in…

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