How are electronically filed patent applications date-stamped by the USPTO?

Electronically filed patent applications receive special treatment for date-stamping at the USPTO. According to MPEP 505, Correspondence submitted to the Office by way of the Office electronic filing system will be accorded a receipt date, which is the date the correspondence is received at the correspondence address for the Office set forth in § 1.1 when it was officially submitted.

Key points about electronic filing date-stamping:

  • The receipt date is based on the time in Alexandria, VA (USPTO’s location)
  • Electronic submissions can receive a date stamp on any day, including weekends and holidays
  • The electronic filing system (EFS-Web) must be used in accordance with USPTO requirements

For more details on electronic filing, refer to MPEP § 502.05.

For more information on EFS-Web, visit: EFS-Web.

For more information on electronic filing, visit: electronic filing.

For more information on USPTO, visit: USPTO.

Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, MPEP 505 - Date of Receipt Stamp, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: EFS-Web, electronic filing, USPTO