Can the period for resubmitting corrected assignment documents be extended?

No, the period for resubmitting corrected assignment documents cannot be extended. The MPEP 317.02 is explicit on this point:

“The specified period to resubmit the returned papers will not be extended.”

This strict policy underscores the importance of promptly addressing any issues with returned assignment documents. Failing to meet the specified deadline will result in the loss of the original receipt date as the recording date for the document. Instead, the USPTO will use the date they receive the corrected papers as the new recording date. This change can potentially affect the priority of your assignment and impact your intellectual property rights. Therefore, it’s crucial to carefully review any returned documents and act quickly to make the necessary corrections and resubmit within the given timeframe.

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Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: assignment documents, document correction, USPTO procedures