Can I submit assignment documents to the USPTO via fax?

Yes, you can submit assignments and other documents affecting title to the USPTO via fax. The MPEP states: Assignments and other documents affecting title may be submitted to the Office via facsimile (fax). This process allows for direct submission into the automated Patent and Trademark Assignment System.

However, there are specific requirements and limitations:

  • Documents must include an identified application or patent number, one cover sheet for a single transaction, and payment of the recordation fee.
  • Certain documents cannot be submitted via fax, such as assignments submitted with new patent applications or documents with multiple cover sheets.

For the most up-to-date fax number, refer to the USPTO website or MPEP § 1730.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: document recordation, patent assignment, USPTO