Are there any fee reductions available for small entities or micro entities filing patent applications?

Are there any fee reductions available for small entities or micro entities filing patent applications?

Yes, the USPTO offers significant fee reductions for small entities and micro entities. According to MPEP 607:

“Fees for a nonprovisional application for an original patent are reduced by 50% for a small entity and by 75% for a micro entity.”

To qualify for these reductions:

  • Small Entity: Generally includes independent inventors, small businesses with fewer than 500 employees, and nonprofit organizations.
  • Micro Entity: Must meet small entity requirements plus additional criteria related to application filings and income.

To claim these statuses, you must file the appropriate certification with your application. For detailed eligibility requirements and how to claim these statuses, refer to USPTO’s Micro Entity Guidance and Small Entity Status information.

To learn more:

Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: fee reduction, micro entity, USPTO fees