What happens if a previously non-signing inventor decides to join a pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 application?

If a previously non-signing inventor decides to join a pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 application, they can do so by filing the appropriate documentation. The MPEP states: “In the event the previously nonsigning inventor decides to join in the application by filing an executed oath or declaration complying with pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.63, the oath or…

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What information about the nonsigning inventor must be included in the patent application?

When filing a patent application with an unavailable joint inventor, you must include the last known address of the nonsigning inventor. As stated in MPEP 409.03(a): “The last known address of the nonsigning joint inventor must be stated.” For more details on providing this information, refer to MPEP 409.03(e). This requirement helps the USPTO in…

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Is the last known residence always the correct address to provide for a nonsigning inventor?

While the last known residence is often the appropriate address to provide, it’s not always the case. The MPEP states: ‘Ordinarily, the last known address will be the last known residence of the nonsigning inventor.’ However, the key is to provide the address where the inventor customarily receives mail. If this differs from their residence,…

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