What does it mean if a patent application has a status of “rejected”?

A nonprovisional patent application is designated as “rejected” if, during prosecution before allowance, it contains an examiner’s action that has not been replied to by the applicant. As stated in MPEP 203.02: A nonprovisional application which, during its prosecution in the examining group and before allowance, contains an unanswered examiner’s action is designated as a…

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What is the status of a patent application after a notice of allowance is mailed?

Once a nonprovisional patent application has been examined and determined to meet all statutory requirements, a notice of allowance is sent to the applicant. The status of the application is then considered “allowed” or “in issue”. As per MPEP 203.04: An “allowed” nonprovisional application or an application “in issue” is one which has been examined…

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When is a patent application considered ‘rejected’?

MPEP 203.02 defines a ‘rejected’ application as follows: A nonprovisional application which, during its prosecution in the examining group and before allowance, contains an unanswered examiner’s action is designated as a ‘rejected’ application. Its status as a ‘rejected’ application continues as such until acted upon by the applicant in reply to the examiner’s action (within…

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How does an application become ‘amended’?

MPEP 203.03 defines an ‘amended’ application as: An ‘amended’ nonprovisional application is one that having been acted on by the examiner, has in turn been acted on by the applicant in reply to the examiner’s action. The applicant’s reply may be confined to an election, a traverse of the action taken by the examiner or…

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When is a patent application considered ‘abandoned’?

MPEP 203.05 outlines several scenarios where an application is considered abandoned: Formal abandonment by the applicant or attorney/agent of record Failure to take appropriate action at some stage in the prosecution of a nonprovisional application Failure to pay the issue fee For provisional applications, no later than 12 months after the filing date Abandonment removes…

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How can a patent application become formally abandoned?

A patent application can become formally abandoned through an explicit action by the applicant or their representative. MPEP 203.05 states that an abandoned application includes one that is removed from the Office docket of pending applications: (A) through formal abandonment by the applicant or by the attorney or agent of record. This means the applicant…

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