Colorado Code Craft Receives Patent Financing Investment from BlueIron IP
PRESS RELEASE – Loveland, Colorado – Colorado CodeCraft, a Denver-based software security and virtual reality company, is using BlueIron’s unique patent financing to keep their costs under control, but more importantly, get better patent protection than they could get anywhere.
Under BlueIron’s financing, Colorado CodeCraft delays paying for their patents, but gets a much stronger patent portfolio in the process. Additionally, BlueIron’s financing is non-dilutive, so the founders and investors keep their full shares of the company.
“The cashflow solution alone from BlueIron is a huge value,” says Thomas Ruge, CEO of Colorado CodeCraft. “If I can file a patent quickly and with low expenses, what that means is that I can delay taking money through equity or debt financing.”
“This works out great for the startup entrepreneur. And it works out great for their investors.”
BlueIron’s patent financing aligns with the interest of the startup company.
BlueIron’s only collateral are the patents, which means BlueIron’s only focus is getting the highest quality intellectual property assets.
“The alignment of interests is critical. BlueIron is only interested in patents that are valuable. That means it is BlueIron’s inherent interest that the patent is good, and therefore BlueIron does a more proper due diligence than a regular patent attorney,” says Ruge.
On top of that, Ruge is excited about the long term partnership with BlueIron. “My relationship with BlueIron has us both working toward the same goal, and it has been much more successful than my past relationships with patent attorneys.”
BlueIron finances only after an extensive due diligence process where the company’s inventions are analyzed, as well as the competitive landscape and a thorough analysis of the company’s ability to execute.
“Our investment model is similar to angel investing, but we do not take shares of the company,” says Russ Krajec, CEO of BlueIron. “We invest alongside angel and seed stage investors in most cases, because BlueIron’s interests are the same as these investors. In some cases, like here, we are investing before angels, and we can put Colorado CodeCraft in a much better valuation before they raise money.”
“BlueIron works with several angel investors, private equity firms, and other sources of capital. Typically, we do extensive due diligence on the technology and intellectual property, while the investors will do due diligence on the business end of things. When a company can survive that, they have a great chance for success.”
BlueIron, LLC ( provides patent financing to startup companies. The financing uses a patent-pending “lease-back” model where startups get full control of the patent assets and can pay for the portfolio over time. BlueIron’s CEO, Russ Krajec, is the author of “Investing In Patents, ” a registered patent attorney, and inventor with over 30 patents. Mr. Krajec is also the Executive Director of IP.Education (, a 501(c)3 non-profit that focuses on educational outreach to entrepreneurs and the startup community.
Colorado CodeCraft ( develops security and virtual reality software founded by Thomas Ruge in 2014. Colorado CodeCraft’s products include Drawbridge, which is a remote access product that allows anyone to operate a remote computer from any browser without plugins or specialized apps. Colorado CodeCraft has a suite of tools and enabling technology that are being used in the security space as well as virtual reality.
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