Financing a Patent Portfolio

Renting Your Patents – How does that work?

What does it mean to “rent” my patents? Isn’t it better to own them? BlueIron’s financing allows you to “rent” your patents by having an exclusive license to the patents. This gives you all the legal benefits of owning the patents, such as being able to enforce the patents, license and sublicense the patents, keep…

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Finance a Stronger Portfolio at a Fraction of the Cost

BlueIron finances better, stronger patent portfolios for a fraction of the cost of hiring a patent attorney. Typical BlueIron clients get much, much stronger patents than if they paid the average patent attorney.  BlueIron has skin in the game.  We can’t afford to do bad patents. BlueIron’s patent portfolios are completely focused on increasing the…

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Collateralize your inventions? Is that even possible?

BlueIron is the only business that will use your inventions as collateral and finance patents based only on the strength of your inventions. Even though your patents are being financed, you have full control of your patent assets. You – and only you – can assert the patents against competitors, enter into licensing arrangements, and…

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