Better Patents

BlueIron’s Patent Rating Checklist

A Patent Checklist to find out: How good is your invention? The spreadsheet contains many of the parameters discussed in BlueIron’s blog posts on patent due diligence.Please let us know if you have any suggestions/comments to make the checklist a better tool.

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What is the cost of a cheap patent?

What is the cost of a cheap patent? It turns out to be very expensive. Some startup companies do not want to spend much money on patents, so they get the lowest cost provider for IP services. The result: a cheap patent. A cheap patent that might not have the proper claim scope to protect…

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A good patent is easy to read

A good patent is easy to read. If you can’t understand your patent application, neither can the patent examiner. Many people tell me that they did not understand their patent application because their attorney used “legalese”. Some even joke that it was so dense that they did not even know if their invention was in…

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What does a good patent application look like?

Good patents are NOT written in “legalese”. I had a telephone interview with a patent examiner a while ago and in the course of the interview, the examiner said that he really liked my patent application because I did not try to hide the ball with the invention. I was originally taught to write patent…

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BlueIron has a Vested Interest in Your Business

BlueIron’s interests are more aligned with your business interest than your patent attorney’s interests. How does the patent attorney tell if your invention is “good”? It only depends on whether your check clears the bank. BlueIron actually cares if your patent has real commercial value. Because your inventions are the only collateral BlueIron has for…

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Patent Prosecution Highway

The fastest and best way to get your patents: The Patent Prosecution Highway. The Patent Prosecution Highway is a program available at many patent offices around the world that put your patent application on a fast track to issue. BlueIron consistently gets US patents issued within 12-18 months using the PPH, and has extensive experience…

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