What are the time limits for patent owner submissions after an ACP?

The time limits for patent owner submissions after an Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) are as follows:

  • The submission must be filed within the time period set for response to the ACP, typically 30 days or one month (whichever is longer) from the ACP mailing date.
  • An extension may be requested under 37 CFR 1.956, but cannot exceed 6 months from the ACP date.

As stated in MPEP 2672: “The time period may not, however, be extended to run past 6 months from the date of the ACP.”

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2600 - Optional Inter Partes Reexamination, MPEP 2672 - Patent Owner Comments/Amendment After Acp And Third Party Requester Responsive Comments, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Action Closing Prosecution, inter partes reexamination, Patent Owner Submission, Time Limits