How are requests for extensions of time after Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) handled?

Requests for extensions of time after Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) in inter partes reexamination are handled with caution, especially when related to submitting affidavits. Key points include: Granting an extension does not guarantee acceptance of the affidavit. Examiners may question why the affidavit was not presented earlier. Insufficient showings may result in denial of affidavit…

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What are the third party requester’s rights after a patent owner’s submission following an ACP?

After a patent owner’s submission following an Action Closing Prosecution (ACP), the third party requester has the following rights: File one set of comments responsive to the patent owner’s submission Comments must be filed within 30 days from the date of service of the patent owner’s submission Comments are limited to responding to the patent…

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What is the purpose of the PTOL-2065 form in inter partes reexamination?

The PTOL-2065 form is used for the “Action Closing Prosecution” in inter partes reexamination proceedings. As stated in MPEP 2696, this form is associated with “37 CFR 1.949”. The Action Closing Prosecution is a significant step in the reexamination process, indicating that the examiner believes the prosecution of the reexamination proceeding is drawing to a…

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What options does a patent owner have after receiving an Action Closing Prosecution (ACP)?

After receiving an Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) in an inter partes reexamination, the patent owner has specific options as outlined in MPEP 2671.02: File written comments: “Pursuant to 37 CFR 1.951(a), the patent owner may once file written comments limited to the issues raised in the reexamination proceeding and/or present a proposed amendment to the…

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What are the options for patent owners after an Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) in inter partes reexamination?

After an Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) in inter partes reexamination, the patent owner has the following options: File written comments limited to the issues raised in the reexamination proceeding Present a proposed amendment to the claims According to MPEP 2672, “The patent owner submission under 37 CFR 1.951(a) of comments and/or proposed amendment must be…

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What is the process when a patent owner fails to respond to an Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) in inter partes reexamination?

When a patent owner fails to respond to an Action Closing Prosecution (ACP) in inter partes reexamination, the consequences are different from those of failing to respond to other Office actions. According to MPEP 2666.10: “A response to an ACP is not required. Where the patent owner does not respond to an ACP, the Office…

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