What special attention do papers marked “REISSUE LITIGATION” receive at the USPTO?

Papers marked “REISSUE LITIGATION” receive special attention at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This special handling ensures that documents related to reissue applications involved in litigation are processed with additional care and priority.

According to MPEP 1404: “Papers marked “REISSUE LITIGATION” will be given special attention.”

While the MPEP doesn’t specify the exact nature of this special attention, it likely involves:

  • Expedited processing
  • Routing to specialized examiners or legal staff
  • Additional scrutiny during examination
  • Prioritized handling within the relevant USPTO departments

For more detailed information on the examination of litigation-related reissue applications, refer to MPEP § 1442.01 through § 1442.04.

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Tags: patent examination, patent reissue, reissue litigation, special handling, USPTO procedures