What is the significance of “substantially identical” claims in intervening rights?

The concept of “substantially identical” claims is crucial in determining whether intervening rights apply in patent reexamination or reissue cases: Intervening rights only apply to claims that are not substantially identical to the original claims. If a claim is substantially identical to the original, it is treated as if it was in the original patent,…

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What is the recapture rule in patent reissue applications?

The recapture rule prevents a patent owner from regaining through reissue subject matter that was surrendered during the prosecution of the original patent application to obtain the patent. As stated in MPEP 1412.02: “A reissue will not be granted to ‘recapture’ claimed subject matter which was surrendered in an application to obtain the original patent.”…

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How does the USPTO determine if a delay in filing a reissue application was unintentional?

How does the USPTO determine if a delay in filing a reissue application was unintentional? The USPTO evaluates the unintentional nature of delays in filing reissue applications on a case-by-case basis. According to MPEP 1403: “In determining whether a delay in filing a reissue application was unintentional, the examiner should make an inquiry as to…

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What is the three-step test for recapture analysis?

The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit established a three-step test for recapture analysis, as outlined in MPEP 1412.02: Determine whether, and in what respect, the reissue claims are broader in scope than the original patent claims. Determine whether the broader aspects of the reissue claims relate to subject matter surrendered in the original…

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What special attention do papers marked “REISSUE LITIGATION” receive at the USPTO?

Papers marked “REISSUE LITIGATION” receive special attention at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). This special handling ensures that documents related to reissue applications involved in litigation are processed with additional care and priority. According to MPEP 1404: “Papers marked “REISSUE LITIGATION” will be given special attention.” While the MPEP doesn’t specify the…

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