What are the timing considerations for rejoinder in patent applications?

Timing is crucial when considering rejoinder in patent applications. The MPEP 821.04 provides guidance on when rejoinder is considered:

“Where applicant elects claims directed to the product, and the product claims are subsequently found allowable, withdrawn process claims that depend from or otherwise require all the limitations of the allowable product claim will be considered for rejoinder.”

This indicates that rejoinder is typically considered after the elected product claims are found allowable. It’s important for applicants to:

  • Maintain withdrawn claims throughout prosecution
  • Ensure withdrawn claims are properly amended to depend on or include all limitations of the allowable product claims
  • Be prepared for rejoinder consideration once product claims are deemed allowable

Timing considerations also extend to the examiner’s actions, as they must determine the propriety of rejoinder before issuing an allowance notice.

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Tags: allowable claims, rejoinder timing, withdrawn claims